Wednesday, 12 June 2013

It's All Hungarian To Me

Could someone please have warned me? Yes, I'd seen this local grape variety Juhfark in written form but it never occurred to me how it might be pronounced. If anyone is in doubt, come and ask me. Honestly couldn't believe my ears! Means "sheep's tail" by the way...

Apart from the impossible to pronounce language (or the embarrassment of pronouncing some words correctly!), Hungary is going to be a continuing great source of interesting varieties to which we can introduce our customers. Like Kiraly Leanyka. This local white variety literally translates as "the little princess". Lovely idea for the story behind the brand and easy to say! It has traditionally been used in blends but is a super fresh, delicate white with a lovely name. We are going to keep a parcel of this aside from the 2013 vintage so we can try a single variety wine. Gabor is on the case...

Winemaker Gabor Laczko

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